Ravenstonedale DNA project
Ravenstonedale DNA project
Ravenstonedale data - The Great End Book
Cumbria Archives holds three copies of the original End Book:
(WDCAT 19/1) [74 pages] was commenced by Phillip Greene in 1652 is a copy of entries from the End Book which was in use in 1556 - this book is the most dificult to read
(WDMG 14/1) [336 pages] was commenced in 1724 by Anthony Fothergill, and also copies the ancient custumals from the 1556 version, but continues to be used as a working record of decisions of the Grand Jury through to the end of the 18thC - however, the entries are in a very scattered order, so until I have transcribed the whole book it is difficult to tell the range of years covered.
(WDCAT 19/2) [118 pages] was started by John Robinson in ~1733 and includes yet another copy of the 1556 custumals, and copies of the early negotiations with Philip Lord Wharton, though the order of entries is somewhat puzzling as very few items are dated
I will add transcriptions from the various copies on this page I complete them - here are the links to the first few:
An Index to documents included in The Great End Book (volume WDMG 14/1)
The first item of interest is transcribed from WDMG 14/1 and is an Index to the contents of this volume (thank you Anthony Fothergill, Notary Publick - you make my life so much easier!). If you spot at item of particular interest, let me know and I shall endeavour to transcribe it sooner rather than later.
Settlement and Agreement of the Jury and Tenants concerning the election of members of the Jury to represent the tenants (1724) (volume WDMG 14/1) The above link leads to a transcription of the document including a typed LIST of the names of the tenants in each Angle.
For me, one of the most remarkable aspects of this document is the level of literacy shown in the signatures attached to this agreement. This is doubtless due to the presence in Ravenstonedale of a Free School, which was founded in 1668 by Thomas Fothergill.
Images of original signatures from this document (images reproduced with kind permission of the Metcalfe-Gibson family of Ravenstonedale) - this opens in a new window ... scroll down to view the signatures of the tenants in each of the four 'Angles' of the parish.
Inspeximus (this link will open in a new page) Although not strictly PART of the Great End Book, a transcription does appear in the End Book so I have included it in this section. The document sets out the Rights of tenants in the Manor of Ravenstonedale. However, according to Cumbria Archives catalogue description of the document (WPC 8/7/2/2), it formed an important part of a case in the Court of Requests in around 1558 as part of a decree of cause between the tenants of Ravenstonedale and Lord Wharton.