Ravenstonedale DNA project
Ravenstonedale DNA project
SWINBANK information
We have yDNA results from two SWINBANK descendants in our Project and although they have no written records demonstrating a connection, their yDNA results show that their two branches probably share a common ancestor dating back to around 16 to 20 generations ago. One of our SWINBANK testers has also recently taken a Family Finder test.
Tester One can trace his Swinbank line back through Dent to the marriage of John Swithenbancke & Isabell Allan in Ingleton on 23 May 1685. Following the line back through the 17th Century is more tricky, but it is possible that John was one of many children of the Anthony buried in Garsdale on 2 February 1707/8 ‘aged 99’. This Anthony was probably the Anthony baptised on 17 November 1611 in Sedbergh, son of John Swinbank & Margaret Wadeson. In turn, John might have been the John baptised in Ravenstonedale on 26 October 1578, son of Anthony (who died in 1598); or the son of Anthony Swinbancke of Sedbergh who died in 1592.
Sue's research of early Ravenstonedale documents reveals the following incidences of the surname:
1541 tenancy agreements: three different tenancies held by Cuthbert Swynbanke, one by Reynold Swynbanke and one by the widow of Thomas Swynbanke
1568 tenancy agreements: Cuthbert Swynbanck at Lokholme; Stephen Swynbanke in Town, widow of James Swynbanke in Town, Cuthbert Swynbanke in Town
1592 indenture concerning wood: Anthony Swinbanke, Stephen Swinbanke, Henry Swinbanke, Reynold Swinbanke
However, there were no SWINBANKs identified on the 1674 Hearth Tax or the 1777 Window Tax and the last record in the Ravenstonedale parish registers was in 1613 when the wife of Anthony Swinbank was buried (apart from a stray marriage in 1766 when Thomas Swinbank of Garsdale in Sedbergh married Alice Handley, presumably a Ravenstonedale girl)
One of our members has written a paper about Reverend John Swinbank of Kirkby Stephen and other SWINBANKs in which he records their appearances in records in Kirkby Stephen and York, and explores the possible reasons for their departure from Ravenstonedale in the early 1600s.
Below you will find details of SWINBANK entries found in the Ravenstonedale Parish Registers:
(Click on the images to download pdf copies of the paper and PR entries)